Halloween edition of stART Sisters!
On this episode the sisters (aka Jamie the Jester, Suzie the Foodie with her toad friend and Shannon the Pumpkin) share updates on their creative projects, a few challenges and new projects on the horizon - and all in costume! We *love* Halloween! And we highly recommend watching the vids week as not only are we in costume, we also do a lot of visual sharing (and gags) as well. We also start looking even a little bit to the year ahead. As we share record this episode in costume, we highly recommend checking out the videos which will be be up at our YouTube Page as well as posted here. Listeners questions and comments can go to: ridlersisters@gmail.com Find Jamie at Jamie Ridler Studios.ca and her podcast Creative Living with Jamie Find Suzie at Suzie the Foodie, Hexed: Sisterhood of the Supernatural and on YouTube (especially for awesome Hal-Con coverage!) Find Shannon at Planet Shannon, Hexed: Sisterhood of the Supernatural and on YouTube Subscribe to the stART Sisters Podcast Here. Show Notes aka all, or at least most, of the people, places and things we mentioned:
- Halloween
- Hurricane Sandy
- Hal-Con
- Jamie shares her Dreamboard (you can see it in the video), you can join her monthly Full Moon Dreamboards, the current moon is the Full Harvest Moon
- We mention our brother Jason
- Jamie would love to hear your suggestions on YouTube videos on how to learn to play guitar (you can comment below or email us at ridlersisters@gmail.com)
- See Suzie's Hal-Con coverage at Hexed and on her YouTube Page
- Suzie's shared lots of awesome Halloween goodness over at Suzie the Foodie
- Peggy's Cove in Nova Scotia
- Ajay from Innerspace
- The Martians/Yip Yip creatures from Sesame Street, see Suzie vid of the Hal-Con Yip Yips here Shannon's 31 Days of Horror
- Films mentioned: Pet Semetary, The Mummy (1959), Halloween II, Halloween III, Halloween 4, Rise of the Zombies, Cry_Wolf, The Black Hole and Star Trek: Nemesis
- Shannon mentions her Star Trek: The Next Generation Re-Watch and in particular 2.13 Time Squared and 2.12 The Royale
- Joshua Gates from Destination Truth
- Khan from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
- Jamie's Creativity Coffee Happened! Here the resource list here from the event and there will be another one on November 20, 2012 at 3pm EST here
- The TV show Haven which Suzie and Shannon talk about on at Hexed
- Tam LaPorte (Willowing) and Lifebook 2013
- Connie Hozvicka and Big
- Chris Zydel
- Jayne Hat from Firefly
- Brain Slug from Futurama
- 101 in 1001 Days Project (now called Day Zero) and Shannon's 101 in 1001 (which is complete)
- Landru, and being 'absorbed my Landru' reference from Star Trek: The Original Series
- Circe's Circle
- Primeval: New World
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