Hello stART listeners, we are back to our regularly scheduled biweekly podcast schedule! And we have been creating and creating and creating over the past 2 weeks and it is our joy to share that with you.
As always, there is some show and tell to the shows so make sure to watch our video version which will be up here as well as on YouTube (sorry we didn't have video for the last 2 eps, but this time we will!). We are keeping to creative updates and looking to what we are working on in the future, which keeps the podcast to about 30minutes. Our Musings portion maybe morphing to a different piece in our creativity puzzle, but if they appear we will sharing them as individual videos here and on our http://www.youtube.com/user/RidlerSisters page.
We would love to hear your thoughts on what *you* are creating and musing about these days!
Hello stART listeners and viewers and welcome back. It's been a long time since our last episode as life has brought us many challenges with the passing of our Mom earlier this summer. I'm sure she would be happy to see us back together creating again and sharing along the way.
As always, there is some show and tell to the shows so make sure to watch our video version which will be up here as well as on YouTube. And this week is updates and looking ahead, it's likely our Musings portion are now individual videos here and on our http://www.youtube.com/user/RidlerSisters page.
We would love to hear your thoughts on what *you* are creating and musing about these days!