Thursday, March 28, 2013

Start eps 13 ~ Suzie's Musing

Here is my musing and as I started recording it I realized just how lost I am feeling about blogging right now. My question is about asking yourself why are you blogging? I really did not think finding an answer was going to be quite so difficult. Would love to hear why you blog though!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

stART Episode 13 podcast version: Creative Updates and What's Next

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  • It's episode 13 and Jamie, Suzie and Shannon are back and ready to share updates on their creative projects as well as look to what is on the horizon. Please note, our Musings portion has moved to be individual videos here and on our page, and we would love to hear your thoughts as well as what *you* are musing these days!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

stART Eps 12 ~ Suzie's response to Shannon's Musing

Here is my response to Shannon's Musing this episode of stART! I share my journals I have even though I am not technically journalling, LOL.

stART Eps 12 ~ Suzie's response to Jamie's Musing

Hey! Suzie here! Made a video response to Jamie's Episode 12 musing about what it is I have been missing. It's not super creative but I'm loving it and hope I can keep doing it.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

stART: Eps 12 Jamie's Response to Suzie Musings

stART Eps 12 ~ Shannon's Musing ~ Choosing a Journal

For episode 12 of stART, we are sharing our Musings outside of the regular show. Here is Shannon's musing about selecting the next journal, and trying to decide if on going with the same pattern or trying something new.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

stART Episode 12 podcast version: Updates, What's Next and

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  • In episode 12 The Ridler Sisters are here again with a shorter version of the show with an update, what's next for us and a change to the process. For musings we'll now be sharing them over at our YouTube page through the week, where you can watch and respond over at

Friday, March 1, 2013

stART Episode 11 Video Version: 3 Sisters Together Again

Connect with the Sisters

Have a question or a comment? Email us.
Subscribe to the stART Sisters Podcast Here.
Find Jamie at Jamie Ridler, Jamie's Sketchbook Blog and her podcast Creative Living with Jamie and on YouTube
Find Suzie at Suzie the Foodie, Hexed: Sisterhood of the Supernatural and on YouTube
Find Shannon at Planet Shannon, Hexed: Sisterhood of the Supernatural and on YouTube

Show Notes aka all (or at least most) of the people, places and things we mentioned: 

  • To come!